Golem effect

Titre présent sur l’album « Il est temps décalage »

État d’avancement

Paroles : 100%
Composition : 10%
Enregistrement : 0%
Postproduction : 0%
Chanson terminée à 28%

Me suivre sur les réseaux sociaux


Golem effect
Killing people
Locked in a cell
Under control

Creep, you are
Nice, you are
Stupid, you are
Absurd, you are

By facing the symposium
I fall in the Barnum E
There’s not much left of me
Your words so deadly
Why are you treating me
Like I’m an outsider !
The one to whom you point your finger ?
I’m just a wanderer, a messenger, a passenger
Does it even matter ?

‘Cos war’s happening
Killing people
Locked in a cell
Under control

Creep, am I ?
Nice, am I ?
Stupid, am I ?
Absurd, am I ?

Am I the one to whom you point your finger ?
I’m just a wanderer, a messenger, a passenger
I might be your mirror
Does it even matter ?